Also available: 58121 trials in neighbouring countries
Several thousand datasets in different languages are being searched. This can take a few seconds.
<span></span> datasets are being loaded. Depending on the number of trials this can take a few seconds.
The datasets are being resorted. Depending on the number of trials this can take a few seconds.
Your search term is being automatically translated and several thousand datasets in different languages are being searched. This can take a few seconds.
The filters are being reset.
N.B. The search by category of disease is only possible for clinical studies that are carried out in Switzerland. To search for studies on a specific disease which are carried out in neighbouring countries, please use the free text search in the field “investigated diseases”.
N.B. Searching for study sites is only possible for clinical trials conducted in Switzerland. To search for trials conducted in neighboring countries, please use the selection in the field “Include trials in neighboring countries”.
N.B. Filtering by “Rare Diseases” is only possible for clinical studies that are carried out in Switzerland. To search for studies on a specific (rare) disease which are carried out in neighbouring countries, please use the free text search in the field “investigated diseases”.
N.B. The option to filter trials by “Study participants” is only possible for clinical trials conducted in Switzerland. To search for trials conducted in neighbouring countries for certain groups of study participants, please use the keyword search under “Filter trials by freely selected keyword”.
The SNCTP (Swiss National Clinical Trials Portal) is the portal where clinical trials in Switzerland are published. The entries originate from two sources of data and are available in different languages. They are updated at varying intervals.
Finding what you need on the SNCTP involves a process of narrowing down using search filters. All trials are displayed as standard, and filters can be used to narrow down the trials displayed on the basis of predefined criteria (e.g. disease studied, site of trial).
Data are entered by the researchers conducting the trials. They alone are responsible for the correcteness of the entries. The Coordination Office for Human Research (kofam) assumes no guarantee for the completeness of the content or the correcteness of the filter criteria.