As of 1 March 2025, will be replaced by the new information platform "Human Research Switzerland" ( "Human Research Switzerland" is now aimed primarily at members of the public who would like to know more about human research in Switzerland and how they can get involved.
Part of "Human Research Switzerland" will be a revised study search, which will replace the previous SNCTP (Swiss National Clinical Trial Portal). The search will be easier to use and more intuitive, and the results will be displayed more clearly. Information on ongoing and completed clinical trials in Switzerland will now be available in all the Swiss national languages relevant to the trial.
Information for researchers, for example on the legal regulations governing human research in Switzerland and on the procedures for submitting applications for research projects, will no longer be available on Human Research Switzerland.
The following information services continue to be available for researchers:
Information on submitting an application for researchers and the regulation of human research in Switzerland: website of the Human Research Section at the Federal Office of Public Health (with update as of 1 March 2025)
Information on making submissions to an ethics committee: swissethics website; BASEC submission portal
Information on clinical trials involving medicinal products or medical devices: Swissmedic website: Clinical trials with medicinal products; Clinical trials of medical devices