Brief description of trial (Data source: BASEC)
Die Studie möchte untersuchen, wie sich der regulierte Cannabisverkauf in Apotheken auf das Konsumverhalten und die Gesundheit von Cannabiskonsumierenden auswirkt im Vergleich zur aktuellen Situation, in welcher Cannabis illegal erhältlich ist.
Sofern alle Einschlusskriterien erfüllt sind, werden die Studienteilnehmenden zufällig einer von zwei Gruppen zugeteilt: Grupp1 hat sofortiger Zugang zum Cannabisverkauf in Apotheken. Gruppe 2 hat erst nach 6 Monaten Verzögerung Zugang zum regulierten Cannabisverkauf. Nach sechs Monaten haben alle Studienteilnehmende Zugang zum regulierten Cannabisverkauf.
Health conditions investigated(Data source: BASEC)
Gesundheitliche Auswirkungen des regulierten Cannabisverkaufs
Health conditions
(Data source: WHO)
Cannabis Use Disorder;Mental Health Disorder;Physical Illness
Rare disease
(Data source: BASEC)
Intervention investigated (e.g. drug, therapy or campaign)
(Data source: BASEC)
Der regulierte Cannabisverkauf in basel-städtischen Apotheken.
(Data source: WHO)
Other: Regulated cannabis access in pharmacies
Criteria for participation in trial
(Data source: BASEC)
Mindestens 18 Jahre alt
Cannabiskonsum, d.h. mindestens einmal im Monat während den letzten sechs Monaten (inkl. positive THC-Urinprobe)
Wohnhaft im Kanton Basel-Stadt
Exclusion criteria
(Data source: BASEC)
Schwangere oder stillende Frauen
Aktuelle psychiatrische stationäre Behandlung
Aktuelle schwerwiegende Psychose
Akute Selbstgefährdung
Schwere kognitive Beeinträchtigung
Geplanter Wegzug vom Kanton Basel-Stadt innerhalb der ersten 12 Monate
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
(Data source: WHO)
Gender: All
Maximum age: N/A
Minimum age: 18 Years
Inclusion Criteria:
- At least 18 years, residence in Basel-Stadt, consuming cannabis at least monthly
during the last 6 months (positive urine sample)
Exclusion Criteria:
- pregnant or breastfeeding, currently suicidal, currently psychotic, current
inpatient psychiatric treatment
Further information on trial
Recruitment status
Active, not recruiting
Academic title
(Data source: WHO)
WEED CARE - Randomized Controlled Study on Regulated Cannabis Access for Recreational Use in Pharmacies in Basel
Type of trial
(Data source: WHO)
Design of the trial
(Data source: WHO)
Allocation: Randomized. Intervention model: Parallel Assignment. Primary purpose: Other. Masking: None (Open Label).
(Data source: WHO)
Primary end point
(Data source: WHO)
Change in problematic cannabis consumption behaviou
Secundary end point
(Data source: WHO)
Change in depression;Change in anxiety;Change in psychosis;Change in physical health
Contact information
(Data source: WHO)
Please refer to primary and secondary sponsors
Trial results
(Data source: WHO)
Results summary
no information available yet
Link to the results in the primary register
no information available yet
Information on the availability of individual participant data
no information available yet
Trial sites
Trial sites in Switzerland
(Data source: BASEC)
(Data source: WHO)
Contact for further information on the trial
Details of contact in Switzerland
(Data source: BASEC)
Marc Walter
+41 56 462 29 10
Authorisation by the ethics committee (Data source: BASEC)
Name of the authorising ethics committee (for multicentre studies only the lead committee)
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ
Date of authorisation by the ethics committee
Further trial identification numbers
Trial identification number of the ethics committee (BASEC-ID)
(Data source: BASEC)
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