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SNCTP000005372 | NCT05746806 | BASEC2022-01026

Studie zur Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit einer gezielten, hochdosierten Bestrahlung eines einzelnen wiederauftretenden Tumorknotens im Prostatabett nach ursprünglicher Prostataentfernung

Data source: BASEC (Imported from 30.01.2025), WHO (Imported from 17.01.2025)
Changed: Jan 11, 2025, 1:00 AM
Disease category: Prostate Cancer

Brief description of trial (Data source: BASEC)

Bei Wiederauftreten des Prostatakrebes im dem Bereich der ehemaligen Prostata wird standardmässig eine Strahlentherapie des Prostatabetts mit einer gewissen Dosis und einer gezielten Dosiserhöhung auf den sichtbaren wiederaufgetretenen Tumor (Lokalrezidiv) in Kombination mit einer parallelen antihormonellen Therapie durchgeführt, um das Fortschreiten der Krankheit zu verhindern. In unserem Forschungsvorhaben wollen wir herausfinden, ob eine hochdosierte gezielte Strahlentherapie des Lokalrezidivs mit einer parallelen antihormonellen Therapie die gleiche Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit hat.

Health conditions investigated(Data source: BASEC)

Lokalrezidiv eines Prostatakarzinoms nach initialer radikaler Operation

Health conditions (Data source: WHO)

Recurrent Prostate Cancer

Rare disease (Data source: BASEC)


Intervention investigated (e.g. drug, therapy or campaign) (Data source: BASEC)

stereotaktischen Radiotherapie bei Lokalrezidiv des Prostatakarzinoms, begleitet mit einer antihormionellen Therapie

Interventions (Data source: WHO)

Radiation: Ultrahypofractionated salvage radiotherapy to a local recurrence after radical prostatectomy;Drug: Androgen deprivation therapy

Criteria for participation in trial (Data source: BASEC)

- Lokalrezidiv des Prostatakarzinoms welches vorgängig operiert wurde
- Lokalesrezidiv im Prostatabett, wlches durch ein MRI oder PET diagnistiziert wurde

Exclusion criteria (Data source: BASEC)

- Anhaltender PSA Wert über > 0.4ng/ml zwischen 4 und 20 Wochen nach der
Entfernung der Prostata

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Data source: WHO)

Gender: Male
Maximum age: 100 Years
Minimum age: 18 Years
Inclusion Criteria:

1. Written informed consent according to ICH/GCP (International Council for
Harmonisation/Good Clinical Practice) regulations before registration and prior to
any trial specific procedures

2. Age = 18 years at time of registration

3. WHO performance status 0-1

4. Lymph node negative adenocarcinoma of the prostate treated with radical
prostatectomy (RP) at least 6 months before trial.Tumor stage pT2a-3b, R0-1, pN0 or
cN0. according to the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) TNM 2009.

5. Evidence of measurable local recurrence at the prostate bed detected by PSMA PET/CT
and mpMRI within the last 3 months. In case of unclear local recurrence, a biopsy
confirmation is recommended.

6. Patient must have non-metastatic (N0, M0) disease, as defined by a lack of nodal or
distant metastases seen on PSMA PET/CT scan

7. Patients must have non-castrate levels of serum testosterone (=50 ng/dL).

8. Patients must not have previously received hormonal therapy (LHRH agonists,
antiandrogen, or both, or bilateral orchiectomy).

9. Absence of any psychological, familial, sociological or geographical condition
potentially hampering compliance with the study protocol and follow-up schedule;
those conditions should be discussed with the patient before registration in the

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Persistent PSA (> 0.4 ng/mL) 4 to 20 weeks after RP

2. Previous hematologic or primary solid malignancy within 3 years prior registration
with the exception of curatively treated localized non-melanoma skin cancer

3. Usage of products known to affect PSA levels within 4 weeks prior to start of trial
treatment phase including any form of androgen suppression agents and androgen
deprivation therapy

4. Bilateral hip prosthesis

5. Severe or active co-morbidity likely to impact on the advisability of SRT

6. Treatment with any experimental drug or participation within a clinical trial within
30 days prior to registration (exception: concurrent participation in the biobank
studies is allowed)

Further information on the trial in WHO primary registry

Further information on the trial from WHO database (ICTRP)
Further information on trial

Recruitment status


Academic title (Data source: WHO)

A Single Arm Phase II Trial of Ultrahypofractionated Focal Salvage Radiotherapy for Isolated Prostate Bed Recurrence After Radical Prostatectomy

Type of trial (Data source: WHO)


Design of the trial (Data source: WHO)

Allocation: N/A. Intervention model: Single Group Assignment. Primary purpose: Treatment. Masking: None (Open Label).

Phase (Data source: WHO)


Primary end point (Data source: WHO)

Biochemical relapsefree survival

Secundary end point (Data source: WHO)

Acute side effects of grade 3 or higher;Clinical progression-free survival;Metastasis-free survival;Late side effects;Quality of life (EORTC Quality of life questionnaire C-30 version 3);Quality of life ( EORTC Quality of life PR25)

Contact information (Data source: WHO)

Please refer to primary and secondary sponsors

Trial results (Data source: WHO)

Results summary

no information available yet

Link to the results in the primary register

no information available yet

Information on the availability of individual participant data

no information available yet

Trial sites

Trial sites in Switzerland (Data source: BASEC)

Basel, Bellinzona, Bern, Winterthur, Zurich

Countries (Data source: WHO)


Contact for further information on the trial

Details of contact in Switzerland (Data source: BASEC)

Dr. med. Mohamed shelan
+41 31 632 26 32

Contact for general information (Data source: WHO)

Mohamed MS Shelan, PD;Mohamed MS Shelan, Assistant Professor
Department of radiation oncology, Bern University Hospital, Inselspital, Berne, Switzerland

Contact for scientific information (Data source: WHO)

Mohamed MS Shelan, PD;Mohamed MS Shelan, Assistant Professor
Department of radiation oncology, Bern University Hospital, Inselspital, Berne, Switzerland

Authorisation by the ethics committee (Data source: BASEC)

Name of the authorising ethics committee (for multicentre studies only the lead committee)

Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern

Date of authorisation by the ethics committee


Further trial identification numbers

Trial identification number of the ethics committee (BASEC-ID) (Data source: BASEC)

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