Zusammenfassende Beschreibung der Studie (Datenquelle: BASEC)
Es handelt sich bei rEECur um eine internationale Studie, welche durch die University of Birmingham in Grossbritannien als Sponsor veranlasst wird. Es können Patientinnen und Patienten aus ganz Europa, sowie aus Australien und Neuseeland teilnehmen. Für die Durchführung der Studie in der Schweiz übernimmt die Schweizerische Pädiatrische Onkologie Gruppe (SPOG) die Verantwortung. Bis heute gibt es keine Standardtherapie für Ewing-Sarkom Patientinnen und Patienten, bei denen die bisherige Behandlung nicht anspricht oder für Patientinnen und Patienten welche ein Rezidiv des Ewing-Sarkoms erleiden. Momentan entscheiden die Ärztinnen und Ärzte anhand von bestimmten Faktoren, welche Behandlung (z. B. Chemotherapie, Operation und/oder Strahlentherapie) in welcher Situation zu wählen ist. Alle Chemotherapien sind wirksam, aber man weiss nicht, welche sich am besten eignet. Im Rahmen der rEECur-Studie werden unterschiedliche Chemotherapien mit etablierten Medikamenten miteinander vergleichen. Patientinnen und Patienten welche an der Studie teilnehmen, werden durch ein Computerprogramm nach dem Zufallsprinzip (Randomisierung) einer der Therapiegruppen zugeteilt. Die Resultate der verschiedenen Therapien werden laufend analysiert. Im Verlauf der Studie können Therapien, welchen weniger gut funktionieren, aus der Studie entfernt werden. Es können auch neue Therapien dazukommen.
Untersuchte Krankheiten(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Diese Studie untersucht das Ewing-Sarkom - ein seltener, bösartiger und meist knochenassoziierter Tumor.
Health conditions
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Paediatrics, Recurrent/refractory Ewing sarcoma
Seltene Krankheit
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Untersuchte Intervention (z.B. Medikament, Therapie, Kampagne)
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Die Patientinnen und Patienten werden zufällig einer der geeigneten Therapiegruppen (sog. Therapiearmen) zugeteilt. Jede Gruppe erhält eine andere Art von Chemotherapie. Diese umfasst die Verabreichung von einem oder mehreren Medikamenten. Momentan sind zwei Therapiearme für die Rekrutierung geöffnet. Die Therapiearme heissen IFOS (Ifosfamid) und IFOS-L (Ifosfamid/Lenvatinib). Vier Therapiearme sind inzwischen aus der Studie ausgeschlossen worden. Dies nachdem Zwischenanalysen gezeigt haben, dass diese Arme weniger gut funktionierten als die übrigen Arme. Zudem kam kürzlich ein neuer Therapiearm dazu.
Vor dem Start der Studie werden möglicherweise übliche Untersuchungen wie Analyse von Blut- und Urinproben, klinische Untersuchungen, Herzuntersuchungen sowie bildgebende Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus wird das Knochenmark untersucht und gegebenenfalls eine Biopsie des Rezidivtumors durchgeführt. Während der Behandlung werden die Patientinnen und Patienten, den Standards der Behandlung entsprechend, regelmässig untersucht. Nach 4 Kursen Chemotherapie erhalten die Patientinnen und Patienten eine erneute Bildgebung um festzustellen, ob der Tumor gut auf die Behandlung angesprochen hat. Am Ende der Behandlung werden die Patientinnen und Patienten vollständig untersucht und es werden nochmals bildgebende Untersuchungen des Tumors durchgeführt.
Mit kurzen Befragungen vor und während der Behandlung wollen wir ausserdem etwas über die Lebensqualität der Patientinnen und Patienten erfahren. Nach Therapieende möchte die Studienleitung fünf Jahre lang Informationen über den Gesundheitszustand der Patientinnen und Patienten sammeln. Dies geschieht bei den üblicherweise geplanten Nachsorgeuntersuchungen.
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Current intervention as of 10/01/2025:
At trial entry, patients will be randomised to one of the available chemotherapy regimens:
1. High dose Ifosfamide (IFOS): 4 cycles of 21 days, additional cycles at clinician's discretion.
2. High dose Ifosfamide and Lenvatinib (IFOS-L): 4 cycles of 21 days, additional IFOS cycles at clinician?s discretion. Lenvatinib capsules are taken once daily continuously throughout and for up to 2 years in total.
Local disease control measures are encouraged where possible. However, these should be delayed if possible until the completion of protocol-defined treatment (4 cycles of IFOS) or completion of 4 IFOS cycles for patients on IFOS-L.
Stem cell harvesting may be carried out in patients for whom high-dose therapy is planned. However, if an alternative chemotherapy regimen is planned for stem cell mobilisation, it should be delayed if possible until completion of protocol-defined treatment, (i.e after completion of IFOS-L or, 6 cycles of
CE or, 4 cycles of IFOS) or as a minimum must be delayed until after the response assessment following cycle 4. Patients who continue to receive Lenvatinib (see section should not receive chemotherapy other than ifosfamide at the protocol-defined dose. If these are planned, lenvatinib must be permanently discontinued prior to treatment.
Myeloablative therapy may be given at the discretion of the treating physician after 6 cycles of CE or after 4 cycles of IFOS. High-dose therapy may not be given simultaneously with lenvatinib. If high-dose therapy is planned, lenvatinib must be permanently discontinued beforehand.
Previous intervention:
At trial entry patients will be randomised to one of four chemotherapy regimens:
1. Topotecan and cyclophosphamide (TC): 6 cycles. Additional cycles may
Kriterien zur Teilnahme an der Studie
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
- Rezidiviertes oder nicht auf die Standardbehandlung ansprechendes Ewing-Sarkom
- Fortschreitender Krankheitsveraluf (während oder nach Beendung der first line Therapie)
- cytotoxische Chemotherapie durchführbar
- Alter ab 2 Jahren
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
- Behandlung mittels Bestrahlung während der letzten 6 Wochen
- Cytotoxische Chemotherapie oder andere Therapie mittels investigativen medizinischen Produkten (IMP) während der letzten 2 Wochen
- vorgängiger Einschluss in die rEECur Studie
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Gender: Both
Inclusion criteria: Current participant inclusion criteria (since 03-May-2023) as of 10/01/2025:
1. Histologically confirmed Ewing or Ewing-like sarcoma of the bone or soft tissues. Histological confirmation either at initial diagnosis or disease progression.
2. Radiological evidence of disease progression during or after completion of the first or any subsequent line of treatment.
3. Age = 2 years*.
4. Eligible for randomisation between at least two open study arms.
5. Adequate renal function is defined as GFR =60 ml/min/1.73m2. If GFR is calculated and is <90 ml/min/1.73m2, an isotopic GFR should be performed to confirm adequate renal function.
6. Patient assessed as medically fit to receive trial treatment
7. Date of planned randomisation within 4 weeks of baseline imaging.
8. Documented negative pregnancy test for female patients of childbearing potential.
9. Patient agrees to use effective contraception during therapy and for 12 months after the last trial treatment, where applicable.
10. Written informed consent from the patient and/or parent/legal guardian.
* Trial sites in Austria will only recruit patients aged =2 years<30 years due to the conditional approval issued by their ethics committee.
Additional criteria for the CE arm (This treatment arm has been closed to recruitment since 15-Aug-2024. Therefore, this criterion no longer applies):
Carboplatin is contraindicated in patients with actively bleeding tumours. Therefore, patients with actively bleeding tumours are not eligible for CE randomisation.
Additional criteria for the IFOS-L arm:
1. Adequate liver function: bilirubin <3 x ULN and ALT or AST < 5 x ULN
2. Left ventricular ejection fraction =50% at baseline as determined by echocardiography.
2. Adequately controlled blood pressure (BP) with or without antihypertensive medications, defined as: a. BP <95th percentile for sex, age, and height. Subjects >18 years of age should have BP =150/90 mm Hg at screening.
3. Urine dipstick <2+ for proteinuria. If =2+ proteinuria on dipstick, a spot urine protein:creatinine ratio test must be < CTCAE grade 2 Proteinuria.
Previous participant inclusion criteria as of 14/12/2018:
1. Histologically confirmed ES.
2. Disease progression (during or after completion of first line treatment) or any subsequent recurrence OR Refractory disease, defined by progression during first line treatment or within 12 weeks of its completion. Disease progression will be based on RECIST criteria. The appearance of new bone lesions on bone scan will require confirmation with cross-sectional imaging.
3. Soft tissue disease component evaluable by cross-sectional imaging (RECIST). Patients with bone disease without a measurable soft tissue component or bone marrow disease only will be eligible for the study but will not contribute to the phase II primary outcome measure.
4. Age =4 years and <50 years.
5. Patient assessed as medically fit to receive cytotoxic chemotherapy.
6. Documented negative pregnancy test for female patients of childbearing potential.
7. Patient agrees to use effective contraception during therapy and for 12 months after last trial treatment, where applicable.
8. Written informed consent from the patient and/or parent/legal guardian.
Previous participant inclusion criteria:
1. Histologically confirmed Ewing sarcoma
2. Disease recurrence after completion of first-line treatment
3. Refractory disease, defined by progression during first-line treatment or within 12 weeks of its completion
4. Soft tis
Exclusion criteria: Current participant exclusion criteria (since 03-May-2023) as of 10/01/2025:
1. Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) <1.0 x 109/L or platelets <75 x 109/L.
2. Cytotoxic chemotherapy or other investigational medicinal product (IMP) within the previous two weeks.
3. Myeloablative therapy within the previous eight weeks.
4. Radiotherapy to target lesion within the previous six weeks.
5. Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
6. Pre-existing medical condition that would necessitate a dose modification during cycle 1 as described in section 7.
7. Any central neurotoxicity with previous ifosfamide treatment
8. Clinical evidence of nephrotic syndrome
9. Follow-up is not possible due to social, geographic or psychological reasons.
10. Previous randomisation into the rEECur trial
11. Patients with a contraindication or hypersensitivity to any IMP may not be randomised to receive an arm that contains the contraindicated IMP.
12. Patients who have previously received one of the trial regimens off-trial may not be randomised to receive that regimen again. Patients who have had ifosfamide during first-line therapy may receive the IFOS or IFOS-L arm. There is no requirement for a minimum time between receiving first-line ifosfamide and entry to rEECur.
Additional exclusion criteria for the IFOS-L arm:
1. Clinically significant ECG abnormality, including a marked baseline prolonged QT or QTc interval (eg, a repeated demonstration of a QTc interval >480 msec).
2. History of aneurysm
3. Arterial Thromboembolism in previous 6 months
4. Gastrointestinal or non-gastrointestinal fistula.
5. Gastrointestinal bleeding or active haemoptysis within the previous 3 weeks
6. Major surgery within the previous 3 weeks
7. Previous treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors
8. Radiographic evidence of intratumoral cavitation, encasement, or invasion of a major blood vessel, or proximity to major blood vessels with the potential risk of severe haemorrhage associated with tumor shrinkage/necrosis after lenvatinib therapy.
Previous participant exclusion criteria as of 14/12/2018:
1. Bone marrow infiltration resulting in Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) <1.0 x 109/L or platelets <75 x 109/L.
2. Cytotoxic chemotherapy or other investigational medicinal product (IMP) within previous two weeks.
3. Myeloablative therapy within previous eight weeks.
4. Radiotherapy to target lesion within previous six weeks.
5. Pregnant or breastfeeding women.
6. Follow-up not possible due to social, geographic or psychological reasons.
7. Previous randomisation into the rEECur trial
Additional criteria for specific arms:
1. Patients with a contraindication to any IMP may be entered into the study but may not be randomised to receive an arm that contains a contraindicated IMP. They will be eligible for trial entry as long as they can be randomised between a minimum of two study arms.
2. Patients who are unable to receive one or more IMPs due to local or national funding arrangements will be eligible for trial entry as long as they can be randomised between a minimum of two study arms.
3. Patients and investigators may decline randomisation to one or more trial regimens but will be eligible for trial entry as long as they can be randomised between a minimum of two study arms.
4. Patients who have previously received one of the trial regimens off-trial may not be randomised to receive that chemotherapy regimen again. However, patients who have received cyclophosphamide during first line therapy may be
Weitere Informationen zur Studie
Datum der Studienregistrierung
Einschluss der ersten teilnehmenden Person
Wissenschaftlicher Titel
(Datenquelle: WHO)
rEECur: an international randomised controlled trial of chemotherapy for the treatment of recurrent and primary refractory Ewing sarcoma
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Design der Studie
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Multi-Arm, Multi-Stage (MAMS), randomised phase II/III, open-label multicentre international trial (Treatment)
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Phase II/III
Primäre Endpunkte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Current primary outcome measure as of 10/01/2025:
Event-free survival time (EFS)
Previous primary outcome measure:
Phase II: Objective Response Rate (ORR) will be measured by cross-sectional imaging according to RECIST criteria
Phase III: Progression-Free Survival (PFS) is defined as the time from randomisation until the first event (progression, recurrence following response or death without progression or recurrence). Second malignancy is not classified as an event for progression-free survival. For those patients who do not experience events during the trial, progression-free survival times will be censored at the date of their last available trial assessment.
Sekundäre Endpunkte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Current secondary outcome measure as of 10/01/2025:
1. Objective imaging response (OR) according to RECIST 1.1 criteria after 2 and 4 cycles of IFOS and IFOS-L, and at the end of trial treatment for all arms
2. Progression-free survival time (PFS)
3. Overall survival time (OS)
4. Toxicity, defined by National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v4.0
5. PET-CT response after 4 cycles (this sub-study is now closed and being analysed)
6. Quality of life (QoL)
7. Days spent in hospital
Previous secondary outcome measure:
1. Overall Survival (OS) is defined as the time from randomisation to death, irrespective of the cause. Surviving patients will be censored at their last follow-up date. OS will only be analysed for the first randomisation for each patient (re-randomisations will not be considered). Analysis methods will be as per PFS.
2. Adverse events and toxicity: Safety data will be summarised by arm for all treated patients using appropriate tabulations and descriptive statistics. Exploratory standard statistical tests will be performed to compare the arms.
3. Quality of Life (QoL) will be assessed at the following time points: baseline, following chemotherapy cycle 2, following chemotherapy cycle 4 using =18 years: EORTC QLQ-C30, <18 years: PedsQL? Generic Core Scales and Multidimensional Fatigue Score
4. Days spent in hthe ospital while on trial treatment or due to trial treatment. The number (range) and proportion (with confidence intervals) of days in hospital will be presented for each arm and overall. Exploratory standard statistical tests will be performed to compare the arms.
Kontakt für Auskünfte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Seventh Framework Programme
Ergebnisse der Studie
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse
noch keine Angaben verfügbar
Link zu den Ergebnissen im Primärregister
noch keine Angaben verfügbar
Angaben zur Verfügbarkeit von individuellen Teilnehmerdaten
Not expected to be made available. The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are not expected to be made available as the majority of countries the study is open in do not permit this on a regulatory level.
Durchführungsorte in der Schweiz
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Aarau, Basel, Bellinzona, Bern, Genf, Lausanne, Luzern, St Gallen, Zürich
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Wales
Kontakt für weitere Auskünfte zur Studie
Angaben zur Kontaktperson in der Schweiz
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Dr. med. Willemijn Breunis
+41 44 266 74 55
Kontakt für wissenschaftliche Auskünfte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
rEECur Trial OfficeCancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit (CRCTU)Institute of Cancer and Genomic SciencesUniversity of BirminghamEdgbaston
+44 (0) 121 415 9877
Bewilligung durch Ethikkommission (Datenquelle: BASEC)
Name der bewilligenden Ethikkommission (bei multizentrischen Studien nur die Leitkommission)
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ
Datum der Bewilligung durch die Ethikkommission
Weitere Studienidentifikationsnummern
Studienidentifikationsnummer der Ethikkommission (BASEC-ID)
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Secondary ID (Datenquelle: WHO)
vn 8.0 vd 11-Apr-2024
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