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SNCTP000004598 | EUCTR2018-000515-24 | BASEC2021-01257

Eine Studie für Kinder und Erwachsene mit neu diagnostiziertem oder rezidiviertem Rhabdomyosarkom (RMS)

Datenbasis: BASEC (Import vom 07.02.2025), WHO (Import vom 31.01.2025)
Geändert: 08.01.2025, 11:44
Krankheitskategorie: Anderer Krebs

Zusammenfassende Beschreibung der Studie (Datenquelle: BASEC)

Das RMS ist ein sogenannter Weichteiltumor, der z. B. von Muskel- oder Fasergewebe ausgeht und vor allem bei Kindern, aber auch bei Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen auftritt. Bei den meisten Patientinnen und Patienten besteht die RMS-Behandlung aus intensiver Chemotherapie, Operation und Bestrahlung. Bei der FaR-RMS Studie handelt es sich um eine von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern initiierte (nicht-kommerzielle) internationale klinische Studie. Mit der FaR-RMS-Studie möchte man verschiedene Strategien untersuchen, um mit einer Anpassung der Chemo- und Strahlentherapie die Behandlungsergebnisse bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit RMS zu verbessern. Darüber hinaus werden biologische Aspekte des RMS erforscht, um die genetische Struktur von RMS-Zellen besser zu verstehen. Die FaR-RMS Studie besteht aus mehreren Teilen. Im ersten Teil der Studie werden Tumorproben biologisch untersucht. Dabei werden einerseits im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten neue Informationen über das RMS gesammelt. Andererseits werden die Patientinnen und Patienten aufgrund der Untersuchungsergebnisse für die weitere Behandlung in Risikogruppen eingeteilt.

Untersuchte Krankheiten(Datenquelle: BASEC)

Rhabdomyosarkom (RMS)

Health conditions (Datenquelle: WHO)

MedDRA version: 20.0Level: PTClassification code 10039022Term: RhabdomyosarcomaSystem Organ Class: 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps);Therapeutic area: Diseases [C] - Cancer [C04]

Seltene Krankheit (Datenquelle: BASEC)


Untersuchte Intervention (z.B. Medikament, Therapie, Kampagne) (Datenquelle: BASEC)

Im zweiten Teil der Studie werden die Patientinnen und Patienten gemäss ihrer zugeteilten Risikogruppe behandelt. Im Prinzip besteht die Studie aus fünf Abschnitten:
1) Phase 1b (Festlegung der Dosis von neuen Medikamentenkombinationen, beendet).
2) Induktionschemotherapie (erste Behandlung um den Tumor kleiner zu machen). Testung der in der Phase 1b identifizierten Kombinationen.
3) Bestrahlung
4) Erhaltungschemotherapie (Erhaltung oder Verbesserung der zuvor erzielten Therapieergebnisse)
5) Chemotherapie im Falle eines Rückfalls.
Je nach zugeteilter Risikogruppe gibt es für die Patientinnen und Patienten innerhalb der fünf Abschnitte unterschiedliche Behandlungspläne. Diese Behandlungspläne sind in ihrer Stärke und Intensität auf die jeweilige Risikogruppe abgestimmt. Patientinnen und Patienten mit einem geringeren Risiko erhalten dabei weniger intensive Behandlungen. Mit jedem der Behandlungspläne möchten die Forschenden eine Fragestellung beantworten. Dazu gibt es von jedem Behandlungsplan zwei Varianten, welche miteinander verglichen werden. Patientinnen und Patienten werden per Zufall einer der beiden Varianten zugeteilt.
Die Fragestellungen untersuchen unter anderem:
1) Die Wirksamkeit von neuen Medikamentenkombinationen
2) Die Wirksamkeit von höheren Bestrahlungsintensitäten
3) Ob die Bestrahlung vor oder nach der operativen Tumorentfernung besser ist
4) Ob eine zusätzliche Bestrahlung von Metastasen einen zusätzlichen Nutzen bringt.
5) Ob eine verlängerte Erhaltungschemotherapie besser ist
6) Neue Behandlungen bei Rückfall
Die Resultate der verschiedenen Behandlungspläne werden laufend analysiert. Im Verlauf der Studie können Behandlungspläne welchen weniger gut funktionieren, aus der Studie entfernt werden. Es können auch neue Behandlungspläne dazukommen.

Interventions (Datenquelle: WHO)

Product Name: Actinomycin D
Pharmaceutical Form: Lyophilisate for solution for injection
INN or Proposed INN: dactinomycin
CAS Number: 50-76-0
Concentration unit: ?g microgram(s)
Concentration type: equal
Concentration number: 500-

Product Name: Doxorubicin
Pharmaceutical Form: Solution for injection/infusion
INN or Proposed INN: doxorubicin
CAS Number: 23214-92-8
Concentration unit: mg/ml milligram(s)/millilitre
Concentration type: equal
Concentration number: 2-

Product Name: Ifosfamide
Pharmaceutical Form: Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion
INN or Proposed INN: ifosfamide
CAS Number: 3778-73-2
Concentration unit: g gram(s)
Concentration type: range
Concentration number: 1-2

Product Name: Irinotecan
Pharmaceutical Form: Concentrate for solution for infusion
INN or Proposed INN: Irinotecan
CAS Number: 97682-44-5
Concentration unit: mg/ml milligram(s)/millilitre
Concentration type: range
Concentration number: 5-20

Product Name: Vincristine
Pharmaceutical Form: Solution for injection
INN or Proposed INN: Vincristine
CAS Number: 57-22-7
Concentration unit: mg/ml milligram(s)/millilitre
Concentration type: equal
Concentration number: 1-

Product Name: Vinorelbine
Pharmaceutical Form: Concentrate for solution for infusion
INN or Proposed INN: Vinorelbine
CAS Number: 71486-22-1
Concentration unit: mg/ml milligram(s)/millilitre
Concentration type: equal
Concentration number: 10-

Product Name: Vinorelbine
Pharmaceutical Form: Capsule, soft
INN or Proposed INN: Vinorelbine
CAS Number: 71486-22-1
Concentration unit: mg milligram(s)
Concentration type: range
Concentration number: 20-80

Product Name: Cyclophosphamide
Pharmaceutical Form: Powder for solution for injection/infusion
INN or Proposed INN: Cyclophosphamide
CAS Number: 50-18-0
Concentration unit: mg

Kriterien zur Teilnahme an der Studie (Datenquelle: BASEC)

- Histologisch bestätigtes RMS
- Unterschriebene Einwilligungserklärung
- Patienten stimmen zu während 6, Patientinnen stimmen zu während 12 Monaten zu verhüten

Ausschlusskriterien (Datenquelle: BASEC)

- Vorgängige Stammzelltransplantation
- Sekundärtumor
- Schwangerschaft bei Patientinnen

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Datenquelle: WHO)

Female: yes
Male: yes

Inclusion criteria:
Inclusion Criteria for study entry
1. Histologically confirmed diagnosis of RMS (except pleomorphic RMS)
2. Written informed consent from the patient and/or the parent/legal guardian
Inclusion criteria for all randomisations and registrations:
?Patient agrees to use contraception during therapy and for 12 months after last trial treatment (females) or 6 months
after last trial treatment (males), where patient is sexually active
?Written informed consent from the patient and/or the parent/legal guardian
?Medically fit to receive treatment
Frontline chemotherapy specific inclusion:
?Entered in to the FaR-RMS study at diagnosis
?No prior treatment for RMS other than surgery
?Documented negative pregnancy test for female patients of childbearing potential
?Adequate hepatic function: Total bilirubin = 1.5 times upper limit of normal (ULN) for age, unless the patient is known to have Gilbert?s syndrome
Phase 1b Specific Inclusion
?VHR disease
?Age >12 months and =25 years
?Adequate hepatic function: ALT or AST < 2.5 X ULN for age
?Adequate renal function: estimated or measured creatinine clearance =60 ml/min/1.73 m2
?Absolute neutrophil count =1.0x 10^9/L
?Platelets = 80 x 10^9/L

CT1a specific inclusion
?VHR disease
?Age = 6 months
?Available for randomisation =60 days after diagnostic biopsy/surgery
?Fractional Shortening = 28%
?Absolute neutrophil count =1.0x 10^9/L (except in patients with documented bone marrow disease)
?Platelets = 80 x 109/L (except in patients with documented bone marrow disease)

CT1b specific inclusion
?VHR disease
?Age = 6 months
?Available for randomisation =60 days after diagnostic biopsy/surgery
?Absolute neutrophil count =1.0x 10^9/L
?Platelets = 80 x 10^9/L

Radiotherapy Inclusion
?Entered in to the FaR-RMS study (at diagnosis or prior to radiotherapy randomisation)
?VHR, HR and SR disease
?= 2 years of age
?Receiving frontline induction treatment as part of the FaR-RMS trial or with a IVA/IVADo based chemotherapy regimen
?patients for whom. Note that patients for whom ifosfamide has been replaced with cyclophosphamide will be eligible
?Documented negative pregnancy test for female patients of childbearing potential
?RT1b and RT1c Specific Inclusion
?Primary tumour deemed resectable (predicted R0/ R1 resection feasible) after 3 cycles of induction chemotherapy
?(6 cycles for metastatic disease)
?Adjuvant radiotherapy required in addition to surgical resection (local decision).
?Available for randomisation after cycle 3 and prior to the start of cycle 6 of induction chemotherapy for localised
?disease, or after cycle 6 and prior to the start of cycle 9 for metastatic disease

RT1b and RT1c Specific Inclusion
?Higher Local Failure Risk (HLFR) based on presence of either of the following criteria:
?Unfavourable site
?Age = 18yrs

RT1c Specific Inclusion
?Primary radiotherapy indicated (local decision)
?Available for randomisation after cycle 3 and prior to the start of cycle 6 of induction chemotherapy for localised disease, or after cycle 6 and prior to the start of cycle 9 for metastatic disease

RT2 Specific Inclusion
?Available for randomisation after cycle 6 and before the start of cycle 9 of induction chemotherapy.
?Unfavourable metastatic disease, defined as Modified Oberlin Prognostic Score 2-4

Maintenance specific Inclusion
?Received frontline induction chemotherapy as part of the FaR-RMS trial or with a IVA/IVADo based chemotherapy
Exclusion criteria:
Phase 1b specific exclusion
?Weight <10kg
?Active > grade 2 diarrhoea
?Prior allo- or autologous Stem Cell Transplant
?Uncontrolled inter-current illness or active infection
?Pre-existing medical condition precluding treatment
?Known hypersensitivity to any of the treatments or excipients
?Second malignancy
?Pregnant or breastfeeding women
?Urinary outflow obstruction that cannot be relieved prior to starting treatment
?Active inflammation of the urinary bladder (cystitis)

CT1a and CT1b specific exclusion
?Active > grade 2 diarrhoea
?Prior allo- or autologous Stem Cell Transplant
?Uncontrolled inter-current illness or active infection
?Pre-existing medical condition precluding treatment
?Known hypersensitivity to any of the treatments or excipients
?Second malignancy
?Pregnant or breastfeeding women
?Urinary outflow obstruction that cannot be relieved prior to starting treatment
?Active inflammation of the urinary bladder (cystitis)

Radiotherapy specific exclusion
?Prior allo- or autologous Stem Cell Transplant
?Second malignancy
?Pregnant or breastfeeding women
?Receiving radiotherapy as brachytherapy

CT2a and CT2b specific Exclusion
?Prior allo- or autologous Stem Cell Transplant
?Uncontrolled inter current illness or active infection
?Second malignancy
?Pregnant or breastfeeding women
?Urinary outflow obstruction that cannot be relieved prior to starting treatment
?Active inflammation of the urinary bladder (cystitis)

CT3 specific exclusion
?Progression during frontline therapy without previous response (=Refractory to first line treatment)
? Prior regorafenib or temozolomide
?Active > grade diarrhoea 1
?ALT or AST >3.0 x upper limit normal (ULN)
?Bilirubin, Total >1.5 x ULN; total bilirubin is allowed up to 3 x ULN if Gilbert's syndrome is documented
?Patients with unstable angina or new onset angina (within 3 months of planned date of randomisation), recent myocardial infarction (within 6 months of randomisation) and those with cardiac failure New York Heart Association (NYHA)
Classification 2 or higher Cardiac abnormalities such as congestive heart failure (Modified Ross Heart Failure
Classification for Children = class 2) and cardiac arrhythmias requiring antiarrhythmic therapy (beta blockers or digoxin are permitted)
?Uncontrolled hypertension > 95th centile for age and gender
?Prior allo- or autologous Stem Cell Transplant
?Uncontrolled inter-current illness or active infection
?Pre-existing medical condition precluding treatment
?Known hypersensitivity to any of the treatments or excipients
?Second malignancy
?Pregnant or breastfeeding women

Weitere Angaben zur Studie aus der Datenbank der WHO (ICTRP)

Weitere Informationen zur Studie

Datum der Studienregistrierung


Einschluss der ersten teilnehmenden Person



Not Recruiting

Wissenschaftlicher Titel (Datenquelle: WHO)

FaR-RMS: An overarching study for children and adults with Frontline and Relapsed RhabdoMyoSarcoma - FaR-RMS

Studientyp (Datenquelle: WHO)

Interventional clinical trial of medicinal product

Design der Studie (Datenquelle: WHO)

Controlled: yes Randomised: yes Open: no Single blind: no Double blind: no Parallel group: no Cross over: no Other: no If controlled, specify comparator, Other Medicinial Product: yes Placebo: no Other: yes Other specify the comparator: radiotherapy dose Number of treatment arms in the trial: 19

Phase (Datenquelle: WHO)

Human pharmacology (Phase I): yesTherapeutic exploratory (Phase II): yesTherapeutic confirmatory - (Phase III): yesTherapeutic use (Phase IV): no

Primäre Endpunkte (Datenquelle: WHO)

Main Objective: The primary objectives for this trial are related to each of the trial
For the Phase I Dose Finding Studies, the aim is to determine the
recommended phase II dose (RP2D) of new systemic therapy regimens.
The first combination to be tested is irinotecan in combination with
ifosfamide, vincristine and actinomycin D (IrIVA).
For the frontline chemotherapy questions, the objectives are:
? To compare systemic therapy regimens for patients with Very High
Risk (VHR) disease at diagnosis. The first new combination regimens to
be compared are IVADo and IrIVA in a dose intense schedule.
?To compare new systemic therapy regimens with standard
chemotherapy for patients with High Risk (HR) disease at diagnosis. The
standard chemotherapy is ifosfamide, vincristine, actinomycin D (IVA).
The first new combination regime to be compared is irinotecan combined
with IVA (IrIVA) in a dose intense schedule
For the radiotherapy questions, the objectives are as follows:;Secondary Objective: The secondary objectives for this trial are:

?To validate whether the use of fusion status (PAX3/PAX7-FOXO1) in place of histopathological diagnosis improves risk stratification
?To determine whether assessment of fusion status is necessary in tumours classified as Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma by histopathology
?To determine whether immunohistochemistry assessment for protein expression driven by the fusion protein is an accurate surrogate for fusion status
?To determine whether FDG PET- CT response assessment following induction chemotherapy is a prognostic biomarker for local failure and/ or survival.

Secondary Objectives (CT3 arm Relapse)
?To determine the tolerability of the regimens
?To evaluate the anti-tumour activity and effect on overall survival of VIrR when compared to standard therapy
?To evaluate the effect on quality of life of VIRR when compared to standard therapy
?To evaluate the acceptability and palatability of regorafenib formulations;Primary end point(s): The primary outcome measures for this study are as follows:

Recommended Phase 2 Dose (RP2D) - Phase 1b
Event Free Survival for randomisations CT1a, CT1b, CT2, RT2 and CT3.
Local failure free survival for randomisations RT1a, RT1b and RT1c
;Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point: Event-free survival (EFS) time is defined as the time from the each relevant randomisation to first failure event.
Failure events are:
? Relapse or progression of existing disease, or occurrence of disease at new sites,
? Death from any cause without disease progression,
? Second malignant neoplasm

Local failure free survival (LFFS) time is defined as time from randomisation to first local failure event. A local failure event is relapse or progression of tumour at the primary site at any time even if there has been a prior concurrent local, regional or distant failure.

Sekundäre Endpunkte (Datenquelle: WHO)

Secondary end point(s): ?Best Response for randomization CT3
?Dose Limiting Toxicity for registration phase 1b
?Event Free Survival for all patients, randomisations RT1a, RT1b, RT1c, CT3 and also the PET sub-study
?Local failure free survival for the PET sub-study
?Loco-regional failure-free survival for randomisations RT1a, RT1b, RT1c and RT2
?Health Related Quality of Life for randomisations RT1a, RT2 and CT3
?Maximum Tolerated Dose for registration phase 1b
?Overall Survival for all patients, randomisations CT1a, CT1b, CT2, CT3, RT1a, RT1b, RT1c and also RT2
?Response for registration phase 1b and also randomisations CT1a, CT1b, and CT3
?Recommended Phase II Dose for registration phase 1b
?Toxicity for registration phase 1b and also randomisations CT1a, CT1b, and CT3
?Duration of response for randomisation CT3
?Acute post-radiotherapy complications for randomisations RT1a, RT1b, RT1c and RT2
?Late complications for randomisations RT1a, RT1b and RT1c
?Acute post-operative complications for randomisations RT1a and RT1b
?Wound complications for randomisations RT1a and RT1b
?PET response for the PET sub-study
? Acceptability/palatability of regorafenib
? Duration of Best response for randomisation CT3
? Objective response for randomisation CT3
? Pharamcodynamics, Pharmacokinetics and Biomarker for randomisation CT3;Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point: first failure event
death from any cause
first local failure event
first local or regional failure event.
30 days after the last treatment
within 120 days from surgery
completion of radiotherapy
after 120 days from last local therapy.
at the start of radiotherapy,
At completion of radiotherapy,
3 months following the end of radiotherapy,
24 months following radiotherapy
after course 2 and 6 for the newly diagnosed chemotherapy
after course 2 and 4 for the relapse randomisation.
End of any Phase 1b study
time point at which no or one participant experiences a DLT when at least two of three to six participants experience a DLT at the next highest dose
3 cycles of induction chemotherapy

Kontakt für Auskünfte (Datenquelle: WHO)

Cancer Research UK;Bayer AG

Ergebnisse der Studie (Datenquelle: WHO)

Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse

noch keine Angaben verfügbar

Link zu den Ergebnissen im Primärregister

noch keine Angaben verfügbar

Angaben zur Verfügbarkeit von individuellen Teilnehmerdaten

noch keine Angaben verfügbar


Durchführungsorte in der Schweiz (Datenquelle: BASEC)

Aarau, Basel, Bellinzona, Bern, Genf, Lausanne, Luzern, St Gallen, Zürich

Durchführungsländer (Datenquelle: WHO)

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Kontakt für weitere Auskünfte zur Studie

Angaben zur Kontaktperson in der Schweiz (Datenquelle: BASEC)

Dr. med. Willemijn Breunis
+41 44 266 74 55

Kontakt für allgemeine Auskünfte (Datenquelle: WHO)

Bridget Shaw
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston
The University of Birmingham

Kontakt für wissenschaftliche Auskünfte (Datenquelle: WHO)

Bridget Shaw
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston
The University of Birmingham

Bewilligung durch Ethikkommission (Datenquelle: BASEC)

Name der bewilligenden Ethikkommission (bei multizentrischen Studien nur die Leitkommission)

Kantonale Ethikkommission Zürich

Datum der Bewilligung durch die Ethikkommission


Weitere Studienidentifikationsnummern

Studienidentifikationsnummer der Ethikkommission (BASEC-ID) (Datenquelle: BASEC)


Secondary ID (Datenquelle: WHO)

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