Zusammenfassende Beschreibung der Studie (Datenquelle: BASEC)
Lo studio riguarda il trattamento della malattia da nuovo coronavirus (COVID-19) Intendiamo eseguire questo studio per valutare l’efficacia antivirale del Blu di Metilene (MB) in pazienti affetti da COVID-19.
Untersuchte Krankheiten(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Lo studio riguarda il trattamento della malattia da nuovo coronavirus (COVID-19)
Health conditions
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Seltene Krankheit
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Untersuchte Intervention (z.B. Medikament, Therapie, Kampagne)
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Dati demografici
Esame obiettivo
Peso e altezza
Pressione arteriosa, frequenza cardiaca, saturazione dell’ossigeno in aria
Campioni di sangue per ematologia, ematochimica
Test di gravidanza urine
Tampone nasofaringeo (rT PCR)
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Drug: Methylene Blue;Drug: Control Test
Kriterien zur Teilnahme an der Studie
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
La partecipazione è aperta alle persone con età pari o superiore a 18 anni, con infezione da SARS-CoV-2 confermata microbiologicamente.
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Sono invece escluse dalla partecipazione le persone con deficit di G-6-fosfatasi (o anche comunemente chiamato favismo) e/o che sono in trattamento con un farmaco serotoninergico.
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Inclusion criteria are:
- signed informed consent
- age = 18 years
- microbiologically confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection
- negative pregnancy test in women of child-bearing age
Exclusion criteria are:
- documented refusal to participate in the study
- known G-6-Phophatase deficiency
- treatment with a serotoninergic drug
Weitere Informationen zur Studie
Datum der Studienregistrierung
Einschluss der ersten teilnehmenden Person
Wissenschaftlicher Titel
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Evaluation of the Efficacy of Methylene Blue Administration in SARS-CoV2- Affected Patients: a Phase 2, Randomized, Placebo- Controlled, Single Blind Clinical Trial
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Design der Studie
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Allocation: Randomized. Intervention model: Parallel Assignment. Primary purpose: Treatment. Masking: Triple (Care Provider, Investigator, Outcomes Assessor).
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Phase 2
Primäre Endpunkte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
to compare the viral load kinetics in the enrolled patients with a SARS-CoV-2 positive nasopharyngeal swab demonstrating a reduction of the area under the curve day 0- day 21 of at least 25%
Sekundäre Endpunkte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
To calculate the percentage of patients clearing SARS-CoV-2 by 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 21 days after diagnosis;To calculate the percentage of patients having a reduction of viral load of > 2 log by day 3;To calculate the percentage of patients having a poor outcome as measured by the need of hospitalization for COVID-19;To calculate the percentage of patients alive;Safety and tolerability of the administered drug are registered as adverse events, which are all symptoms related or supposed to be related to the drug that appeared after the drug intake and were NOT present at baseline or before;To measure the compliance by calculating the number of capsules taken by the patient and the overall number of patients who complete the treatment
Kontakt für Auskünfte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Please refer to primary and secondary sponsors
Ergebnisse der Studie
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse
noch keine Angaben verfügbar
Link zu den Ergebnissen im Primärregister
noch keine Angaben verfügbar
Angaben zur Verfügbarkeit von individuellen Teilnehmerdaten
noch keine Angaben verfügbar
Durchführungsorte in der Schweiz
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Kontakt für weitere Auskünfte zur Studie
Angaben zur Kontaktperson in der Schweiz
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Andreas Cerny
Kontakt für allgemeine Auskünfte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Andreas Cerny, Prof
Kontakt für wissenschaftliche Auskünfte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Andreas Cerny, Prof
Bewilligung durch Ethikkommission (Datenquelle: BASEC)
Name der bewilligenden Ethikkommission (bei multizentrischen Studien nur die Leitkommission)
Comitato etico cantonale Ticino
Datum der Bewilligung durch die Ethikkommission
Weitere Studienidentifikationsnummern
Studienidentifikationsnummer der Ethikkommission (BASEC-ID)
(Datenquelle: BASEC)
Secondary ID (Datenquelle: WHO)
MB treatment of COVID19
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