Descrizione riassuntiva della sperimentazione (Fonte di dati: BASEC)
In dieser Studie wird ein neues Medikament beim Menschen angewendet. Es handelt sich dabei um den Antikörper NNC0365-3769, auch Mim8 genannt. Mim8 gehört zu einer Gruppe von Arzneimitteln, die als Antikörper bezeichnet werden. Mim8 soll die Funktion des fehlenden Faktors VIII bei Hämophilie A Patienten übernehmen. Hämophilie A ist eine erbliche Erkrankung, die durch das Fehlen eines Proteins namens Faktor VIII verursacht wird.
Das Ziel der Studie ist die Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit einer einmal wöchentlichen und einmal monatlichen durchgeführten Mim8-Behandlung bei Patienten mit Hämophilie A mit oder ohne Faktor VIII Inhibitoren zu bestätigen. Die Patienten werden in fünf Gruppen eingeteilt, welche verschiedene Dosierungsschemen enthalten.
Die Studie wird in mehreren Studienzentren weltweit durchgeführt.
Malattie studiate(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Hämophilie A
Health conditions
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Haemophilia A Haemophilia A with inhibitors
MedDRA version: 20.0Level: LLTClassification code 10018938Term: Haemophilia A (Factor VIII)System Organ Class: 100000004850
MedDRA version: 20.0Level: LLTClassification code 10053751Term: Hemophilia A with anti factor VIIISystem Organ Class: 100000004850;Therapeutic area: Diseases [C] - Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities [C16]
Malattia rara
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Interventi esaminati (p. es. medicamento, terapia, campagna)
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Die gesamte Studiendauer beträgt für den einzelnen Patienten ungefähr 73 bis zu 125 Wochen (etwa 1½ bis 2½ Jahre).
Die Studie umfasst eine Selektionsphase von ungefähr drei Wochen. Geeignete Patienten, welche auf einer Gerinnungsfaktorprophylaxe sind, beginnen danach eine 26 bis 52-wöchige Phase. In dieser Phase werden Blutungs- und Behandlungsdaten der Patienten gesammelt. Patienten, die keine Prophylaxe erhalten, müssen diese bis zu 52-wöchige Phase nicht durchlaufen. Danach werden alle Patienten in die Hautphase übergehen und in fünf Gruppen unterteilt. Die Patienten durchlaufen eine 26-wöchige Behandlungsphase wo sie entweder weiterhin auf ihrer üblichen Behandlung bleiben oder Mim8 (wöchentlich oder monatlich) erhalten. Nach der Hauptphase der Studie werden alle Patienten in die Verlängerungsphase der Studie überführt und werden 26 Wochen lang mit Mim8 behandelt. Nach Abschluss der Studie wird dem Patienten angeboten in die Open Label-Verlängerungsstudie teilzunehmen.
Das Studienmedikament wird dem Patienten während den Besuchen am Studienzentrum verabreicht oder ausgehändigt. Zusätzlich werden verschiedene Untersuchungen (z.B. Gewicht, Vitalparameter) durchgeführt, sowie Blutproben entnommen. Die Studienteilnehmer müssen am Studienzentrum Fragebögen ausfüllen und zusätzlich zwischen den Besuchen ein Tagebuch führen.
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Product Name: NNC0365-3769 B 5 mg/mL
Pharmaceutical Form: Solution for injection
INN or Proposed INN: N/A
Current Sponsor code: NNC0365-3769
Other descriptive name: Mim8
Concentration unit: mg/ml milligram(s)/millilitre
Concentration type: equal
Concentration number: 5-
Product Name: NNC0365-3769 B 11.3 mg/mL
Pharmaceutical Form: Solution for injection
INN or Proposed INN: N/A
Current Sponsor code: NNC0365-3769
Other descriptive name: Mim8
Concentration unit: mg/ml milligram(s)/millilitre
Concentration type: equal
Concentration number: 11.3-
Product Name: NNC0365-3769 B 25 mg/mL
Pharmaceutical Form: Solution for injection
INN or Proposed INN: N/A
Current Sponsor code: NNC0365-3769
Other descriptive name: Mim8
Concentration unit: mg/ml milligram(s)/millilitre
Concentration type: equal
Concentration number: 25.0-
Product Name: NNC0365-3769 B 57.5 mg/mL
Pharmaceutical Form: Solution for injection
INN or Proposed INN: N/A
Current Sponsor code: NNC0365-3769
Other descriptive name: Mim8
Concentration unit: mg/ml milligram(s)/millilitre
Concentration type: equal
Concentration number: 57.5-
Criteri per la partecipazione alla sperimentazione
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
1.Männliche oder weibliche Patienten mit der Diagnose einer angeborenen Hämophilie A jeglichen Schweregrades
2.Patienten, die zum Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung der Einverständniserklärung mindestens 18 Jahre alt sind
3.Patienten, welche in den letzten 26 Wochen vor Beginn der Studie eine Behandlung mit Faktor VIII oder einem Bypassmittel verschrieben wurde
4.Körpergewicht mindestens 30 kg
Criteri di esclusione
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
1. Teilnahme an einer interventionellen, klinischen Studie mit einem Studienmedikament ein halbes Jahr vor geplanter Einnahme des neuen Studienmedikamentes
2. Frauen, die schwanger sind, stillen oder beabsichtigen, schwanger zu werden. Oder Frauen, die im gebärfähigen Alter sind und keine hochwirksame Verhütungsmethode anwenden
3. Laufende oder geplante Immuntoleranzinduktionstherapie
4. Geplante grössere Operationen nach dem Studienstart
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Female: yes
Male: yes
Inclusion criteria:
1.Informed consent obtained before any study-related activities. Study-related activities are any procedures that are carried out as part of the study, including activities to determine suitability for the study
2.Male or female participants with diagnosis of congenital haemophilia A of any severity based on medical records
3.Participants has been prescribed treatment with factor VIII concentrates or bypassing agent in the last 26 weeks prior to screening
4.Age above or equal to 12 years at the time of signing informed consent.
5.Body weight greater than or equal to 30 kg
6.Applicable to participants treated with on-demand/no prophylaxis prior to enrolment: =5 bleeds in the last 26 weeks prior to screening visit, for which factor VIII concentrates or bypassing agent has been prescribed
7.Applicable to participants with FVIII activity greater than or equal to 1% who are on prophylactic treatment: greater than or equal to 1 bleed in the last 26 weeks prior to screening visit, for which factor VIII concentrates or bypassing agent has been prescribed
8.Willingness and ability to comply with scheduled visits and study procedures, including the completion of diary and patient-reported outcomes questionnaires
Are the trial subjects under 18? yes
Number of subjects for this age range: 69
F.1.2 Adults (18-64 years) yes
F.1.2.1 Number of subjects for this age range 168
F.1.3 Elderly (>=65 years) yes
F.1.3.1 Number of subjects for this age range 10
Exclusion criteria:
1.Previous participation in this study. Participation is defined as signed informed consent
2.Participation (i.e., signed informed consent) in any interventional clinical study with receipt of the last dose within 6 months (or 5 half-lives of the investigational medicinal product, whichever is shorter) before planned randomisation.
3.Exposure to non-factor haemostatic products for bleeding prophylaxis within 6 months (or 5 half-lives of the medicinal product, whichever is shorter) before planned randomisation, for participants not included in the run-in.
4.Female who is pregnant, breast-feeding or intends to become pregnant or is of child-bearing potential and not using a highly effective contraceptive method (highly effective contraceptive measures as defined in Section ?10.4 or as required by local regulation or practice). Breast feeding is allowed only during the run-in period.
5.Any disorder, except for conditions associated with haemophilia A, which in the investigator?s opinion might jeopardise participant?s safety or compliance with the protocol.
6.Known or suspected hypersensitivity to trial product(s), any constituents of the product or to related products.
7.Receipt of gene therapy at any given time point.
8.Ongoing or planned immune tolerance induction (ITI) therapy.
9.Major surgery planned to take place after screening.
10.Known congenital or acquired coagulation disorders other than haemophilia A.
11.Hepatic dysfunction defined as AST and/or ALT greater than 3 times the upper limit combined with total bilirubin greater than 1.5 times the upper limit measured at screening.
12.Renal impairment defined as estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) less than or equal to 30 ml/min/1.73 m2 for serum creatinine measured at screening.
13.Previous or current thromboembolic disease or events (with the exception of previous catheter-associated thrombosis for which anti-thrombotic treatment is not currently ongoing) or risk of thromboembolic disease, as evaluated by investigator.
14.Mental incapacity, unwillingness to cooperate, or a language barrier precluding adequate understanding and cooperation.
15.Other conditions (e.g., autoimmune disease) or laboratory abnormality that may increase risk of bleeding or thrombosis as evaluated by the investigator.
Altre informazioni sulla sperimentazione
Data di registrazione della sperimentazione
29 gen 2021
Stato di reclutamento
Not Recruiting
Titolo scientifico
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
A multinational, open-label, randomised, controlled trial to investigate efficacy and safety of NNC0365-3769 (Mim8) in adults and adolescents with haemophilia A with or without inhibitors.
Tipo di sperimentazione
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Interventional clinical trial of medicinal product
Disegno della sperimentazione
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Controlled: yes Randomised: yes Open: yes Single blind: no Double blind: no Parallel group: no Cross over: no Other: yes Other trial design description: Intra-individual (within-patient) comparison If controlled, specify comparator, Other Medicinial Product: no Placebo: no Other: yes Other specify the comparator: Different treatment regimen of Mim8 Number of treatment arms in the trial: 5
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Human pharmacology (Phase I): noTherapeutic exploratory (Phase II): noTherapeutic confirmatory - (Phase III): yesTherapeutic use (Phase IV): no
Punti finali primari
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Main Objective: To confirm the haemostatic effect of Mim8 as bleeding prophylaxis for adults and adolescents with haemophilia A with or without inhibitors.
This will be done by:
? Demonstrating superiority in number of bleeding episodes when treated with Mim8 once-weekly versus no prophylaxis for participants on no prophylaxis treatment prior to enrolment (Comparing Arm 1 and Arm 2 main treatment period)
? Demonstrating non-inferiority in number of bleeding episodes when treated with either Mim8 once-weekly or once-monthly versus treatment with coagulation factor prophylaxis during run-in for participants on prophylaxis treatment prior to enrolment (Comparing Arm 3 and Arm 4 run-in with main treatment period).;Secondary Objective: 1. To investigate safety of Mim8 prophylaxis in adults and adolescents with haemophilia A with or without FVIII inhibitors.
2. To evaluate the consumption of factor product per bleed treatment (number of injections) after Mim8 prophylaxis in adults and adolescents with haemophilia A with or without inhibitors.
3. To evaluate the development of anti-Mim8 antibodies after Mim8 prophylaxis in adults and adolescents with haemophilia A with or without inhibitors.
4. To evaluate treatment burden after Mim8 prophylaxis in adults and adolescents with haemophilia A with or without inhibitors.
5. To evaluate aspects of patient?s physical functioning after Mim8 prophylaxis in adults and adolescents with haemophilia A with or without inhibitors.
6. To evaluate joint pain intensity after Mim8 prophylaxis in adults and adolescents with haemophilia A with or without inhibitors.;Primary end point(s): Number of treated bleeds;Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point: - No prophylaxis treatment (Arms 1, 2a and 2b): From randomisation (week 0) to end of main (week 26)
- Prophylaxis treatment (Arms 3 and 4): From initiation of run-in (26-52 weeks prior to week 0) to week 0 and from randomisation (week 0) to end of main (week 26)
Punti finali secondari
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Secondary end point(s): 1. Number of injection site reactions
2. Occurrence of antiMim8 antibodies
3. Number of treated spontaneous bleeds
4. Number of treated joint bleeds
5. Number of treated traumatic bleeds
6. Number of treated target joint bleeds
7. Consumption of factor product per bleed treatment (number of injections)
8. Change in physical function domain of paediatric quality of life inventory (PEDS-QL)
9. Change in participant?s treatment burden using the haemophilia treatment experience measure (Hemo-TEM)
10. Change in participant?s joint pain score using Joint Pain Rating Scale;Timepoint(s) of evaluation of this end point: 1. All participants receiving Mim8 (Arms 2a, 2b, 3 and 4): From randomisation (week 0) to end of main (week 26)
2. All participants receiving Mim8 (Arms 2a, 2b, 3 and 4): From randomisation (week 0) to end of extension (week 52)
3. ? 7.:
- No prophylaxis treatment (Arms 1, 2a and 2b): From randomisation (week 0) to end of main (week 26)
- Prophylaxis treatment (Arms 3 and 4): From initiation of run-in (26-52 weeks prior to week 0) to week 0 and from randomisation (week 0) to end of main (week 26)
8. ? 10.:
All participants (Arms 1, 2a, 2b, 3 and 4): From randomisation (week 0) to the end of the main part (week 26)
Contatto per informazioni
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Novo Nordisk A/S
Risultati della sperimentazione
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Sintesi dei risultati
ancora nessuna informazione disponibile
Collegamento ai risultati nel registro primario
ancora nessuna informazione disponibile
Informazioni sulla disponibilità dei dati dei singoli partecipanti
ancora nessuna informazione disponibile
Siti di esecuzione della sperimentazione
Siti di esecuzione in Svizzera
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Berna, San Gallo, Zurigo
Paesi di esecuzione
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, European Union, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic of, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States
Contatto per maggiori informazioni sulla sperimentazione
Dati della persona di contatto in Svizzera
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Abteilung Klinische Studien
+41 44 914 11 11
Contatto per informazioni generali
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Clinical Transparency (2834)
Novo All?
Novo Nordisk A/S
Contatto per informazioni scientifiche
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Clinical Transparency (2834)
Novo All?
Novo Nordisk A/S
Autorizzazione da parte della commissione d’etica (Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Nome della commissione d’etica che rilascia l’autorizzazione (nel caso di studi multicentrici solo la commissione direttiva)
Ethikkommission Zürich
Data di autorizzazione da parte della commissione d’etica
Altri numeri di identificazione delle sperimentazioni
Numero di identificazione della sperimentazione della commissione d’etica (BASEC-ID)
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Secondary ID (Fonte di dati: WHO)
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