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SNCTP000002093 | NCT03067844 | BASEC2016-01382

Randomisierte, multizentrische Interventionsstudie zum Vergleich des Effektes von Alirocumab auf die koronare Arteriosklerose bei Patienten mit akutem Herzinfarkt. Eine serielle Mehrgefäss-Bildgebungsuntersuchung mittels intravaskulärem Ultraschall, Spektroskopie und optischer Kohärenztomographie – PACMAN AMI Studie

Base di dati: BASEC (Importata da 30.08.2024), WHO (Importata da 29.08.2024)
Cambiato: 23 dic 2023, 16:50
Categoria di malattie: Malattia cardiaca coronarica

Descrizione riassuntiva della sperimentazione (Fonte di dati: BASEC)

Patienten mit akutem Herzinfarkt weisen ein erhöhtes Risiko auf, erneut einen Herzinfarkt zu erleiden. Dies insbesondere in den Herzkrankgefässen, die nicht für den aktuellen Herzinfarkt verantwortlich waren, den sogenannten Nicht-Infarkt Gefässen. Die Studie untersucht die Wirkung des cholesterinsenkenden Medikaments Alirocumab auf die Ablagerungen in den Herzkranzgefässen, spezifisch in den vom Herzinfarkt nicht betroffenen und unbehandelten Gefässen. Das Medikament wird während einem Jahr verabreicht. Unmittelbar nach der Behandlung des Herzinfarktes und nach 52 Wochen werden mit drei verschiedenen bildgebenden Verfahren (Ultraschall, Spektroskopie, optische Kohärenztomographie) Bilder von den Herzkranzgefässen aufgenommen und miteinander verglichen. Wir möchten untersuchen, ob und in welchem Masse Ablagerungen in den Herzkranzgefässen mit Hilfe des Studienmedikaments zusätzlich zur routinemässigen Blutfettsenkung mittels Tabletten (Statin) vermindert werden können. Eine Verminderung der Ablagerungen könnte einen positiven Effekt auf die Vermeidung zukünftiger Ereignisse (z.Bsp. erneuter Herzinfarkt) haben.

Malattie studiate(Fonte di dati: BASEC)

Koronare Herzkrankheit, erhöhte Cholesterinwerte (Blutfettwerte), Bildung von Gefässablagerungen in den Nicht-Infarkt Gefässen.

Health conditions (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Coronary Vessel;Coronary Circulation;Atheroma; Myocardial

Malattia rara (Fonte di dati: BASEC)


Interventi esaminati (p. es. medicamento, terapia, campagna) (Fonte di dati: BASEC)

Wir wollen mit dieser Studie den Effekt eines Cholesterinsenkers (Alirocumab) auf die Ablagerungen in den Herzkranzgefässen untersuchen. Die Ablagerungen werden via Katheter und mittels spezieller bildgebender Verfahren untersucht.

Interventions (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Drug: Alirocumab

Criteri per la partecipazione alla sperimentazione (Fonte di dati: BASEC)

1. Alter >18 Jahre, vorhandene Einwilligungserklärung
2. Akuter Herzinfarktinfarkt mit mindestens einer Verengung, welche einer perkutanen Koronarintervention benötigt und mindestens zwei Koronargefässen (excl. Bypass-Grafts) ohne Behandlungsbedürftigen Verengung (d.h. die Verengung ist kleiner als 50% )
3. LDL-Cholesterin Spiegel ≥1.8mmol/L trotz vorbestehender Statin Behandlung innerhalb von ≥ 4 Wochen vor Studieneinschluss oder LDL-Cholesterin ≥3.2 mmol/L bei Patienten ohne Statin Behandlung.

Criteri di esclusione (Fonte di dati: BASEC)

1. Patienten mit Hauptstamm Verengung oder Dreigefässerkrankung
2. Beschränkte Revaskularization der Infarkt-Koronararterie (TIMI Fluss <2)
3. Patient hämodynamisch oder klinisch instabil

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Inclusion Criteria:

- Male or female, age =18 years at screening;

- Acute myocardial infarction: acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
with pain onset within =24h, or non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction
(NSTEMI), with at least one coronary segment (culprit lesion) requiring PCI;

- LDL-C =70 mg/dL (=1.8 mmol/L) assessed prior to, or during PCI in patients who have
been receiving any stable statin regimen within = 4 weeks prior to enrollment; OR
LDL-C =125 mg/dL (=3.2 mmol/L) in patients who are statin-naïve or have not been on
stable statin regimen for = 4 weeks prior to enrollment;

- At least two major native coronary arteries (target vessels) each meeting the
following criteria for intracoronary imaging immediately following the qualifying PCI
procedure: Angiographic evidence of <50% reduction in lumen diameter by angiographic
visual estimation;

- Target vessel deemed to be accessible to imaging catheters and suitable for
intracoronary imaging in the proximal (50mm) segment (target segment);

- Target vessel may not be a bypass (saphenous vein or arterial) graft or a bypassed
native vessel;

- Target vessel must not have undergone previous PCI within the target segment;

- Target vessel is not candidate for intervention at the time of qualifying PCI or over
the following 6 months in the judgment of the Investigator;

- Hemodynamic stability allowing the repetitive administration of nitroglycerine;

- Ability to understand the requirements of the study and to provide informed consent;

- Willingness to undergo follow-up intracoronary imaging.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Left-main disease, defined as =50% reduction in lumen diameter of the left main
coronary artery by angiographic visual estimation;

- Three-vessel disease, defined as =70% reduction in lumen diameter of three major
epicardial coronary arteries by angiographic visual estimation or in major branches of
one or more of these arteries, irrespective of the localization (proximal 50mm or more
distal localization) of the obstructive lesions;

- History of coronary artery bypass surgery;

- Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) flow <2 of the infarct-related artery
after PCI;

- Unstable clinical status (hemodynamic or electrical instability);

- Significant coronary calcification or tortuosity deemed to preclude IVUS, NIRS and OCT

- Uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmia, defined as recurrent and symptomatic ventricular
tachycardia or atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response not controlled by
medications in the past 3 months prior to screening;

- Severe renal dysfunction, defined by estimated glomerular filtration rate <30

- Active liver disease or hepatic dysfunction;

- Known intolerance to rosuvastatin OR known statin intolerance;

- Known allergy to contrast medium, heparin, aspirin, ticagrelor or prasugrel;

- Known sensitivity to any substances to be administered, including known statin

- Patients who previously received alirocumab or other PCSK9 inhibitor;

- Patient who received cholesterol ester transfer protein inhibitors in the past 12
months prior to screening;

- Treatment with systemic steroids or systemic cyclosporine in the past 3 months;

- Known active infection or major hematologic, metabolic, or endocrine dysfunction in
the judgment of the Investigator;

- Planned surgery within 12 months;

- Patients who will not be available for study-required visits in the judgment of the

- Current enrollment in another investigational device or drug study;

- History of cancer within the past 5 years, except for adequately treated basal cell
skin cancer, squamous cell skin cancer, or in situ cervical cancer;

- Estimated life expectancy less than 1 year;

- Female of childbearing potential (age <50 years and last menstruation within the last
12 months), who did not undergo tubal ligation, ovariectomy or hysterectomy.

Altri dati sulla sperimentazione nel registro primario dell’OMS

Altri dati sulla sperimentazione dalla banca dati dell’OMS (ICTRP)
Altre informazioni sulla sperimentazione

Data di registrazione della sperimentazione

24 feb 2017

Inserimento del primo partecipante

25 apr 2017

Stato di reclutamento


Titolo scientifico (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Effects of the PCSK9 Antibody AliroCuMab on Coronary Atherosclerosis in PatieNts With Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Serial, Multivessel, Intravascular Ultrasound, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy And Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Study

Tipo di sperimentazione (Fonte di dati: WHO)


Disegno della sperimentazione (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Allocation: Randomized. Intervention model: Parallel Assignment. Primary purpose: Treatment. Masking: Quadruple (Participant, Care Provider, Investigator, Outcomes Assessor).

Fase (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Phase 3

Punti finali primari (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Change in percent atheroma volume (PAV)

Punti finali secondari (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Change in total lipid-core burden index (LCBItotal);Change in maximum LCBI in any 4-mm segment (Powered);Change in minimal fibrous cap thickness (Powered);Change in mean fibrous cap thickness;Change in average angular extension (AAE) of macrophages;Change in normalized total atheroma volume (NTAV);Change in LDL-cholesterol;Change in hsCRP;Change in high sensitivity troponin T (hsTnT);Change in N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-pro-BNP);Change in further biomarkers;Death;Non-fatal myocardial infarction;Ischemia-driven coronary revascularization;Stroke

Contatto per informazioni (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Please refer to primary and secondary sponsors

Risultati della sperimentazione (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Sintesi dei risultati

ancora nessuna informazione disponibile

Collegamento ai risultati nel registro primario

ancora nessuna informazione disponibile

Informazioni sulla disponibilità dei dati dei singoli partecipanti

ancora nessuna informazione disponibile

Siti di esecuzione della sperimentazione

Siti di esecuzione in Svizzera (Fonte di dati: BASEC)

Basilea, Berna, Ginevra, Zurigo

Paesi di esecuzione (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Austria, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland

Contatto per maggiori informazioni sulla sperimentazione

Dati della persona di contatto in Svizzera (Fonte di dati: BASEC)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Lorenz Räber
+41 31 632 09 29

Contatto per informazioni generali (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Lorenz Raeber, Prof., MD
Bern Universitiy Hospital

Contatto per informazioni scientifiche (Fonte di dati: WHO)

Lorenz Raeber, Prof., MD
Bern Universitiy Hospital

Autorizzazione da parte della commissione d’etica (Fonte di dati: BASEC)

Nome della commissione d’etica che rilascia l’autorizzazione (nel caso di studi multicentrici solo la commissione direttiva)

Kantonale Ethikkommission Bern

Data di autorizzazione da parte della commissione d’etica


Altri numeri di identificazione delle sperimentazioni

Numero di identificazione della sperimentazione della commissione d’etica (BASEC-ID) (Fonte di dati: BASEC)

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