Descrizione riassuntiva della sperimentazione (Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Die Studie untersucht die Wirkung von Musiktherapie auf Angstbeschwerden bei Menschen mit Multipler Sklerose. Ausserdem untersuchen wir Effekte von Musiktherapie auf Depression, Stress, Müdigkeit ("Fatigue"), Lebensqualität, geistige Leistungsfähigkeit und Hautempfinden.
Diese Studie wird mit einer Musiktherapiegruppe und einer Kontrollgruppe durchgeführt, mit jeweils 30 Patienten (insgesamt 60). Musiktherapie ist ein Zweig der Kunsttherapie, in welcher Musik gezielt therapeutisch eingesetzt wird. In dieser Studie ist ein Entspannungs-förderndes Setting vorgesehen, mit live-Musik von einer Musiktherapeutin auf einem Monochord («Behandlungsmonochord»). Dies ist ein Instrument aus Holz mit einer grossen Auflagefläche, auf die man sich legen kann. Darunter aufgespannt sind Saiten, deren Schwingungen die teilnehmende Person nicht nur hören, sondern auch am Körper spüren kann.
Es wird zufällig ausgewählt, in welche Gruppe die Teilnehmer kommen.
Malattie studiate(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Multiple Sklerose
Health conditions
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Multiple sclerosis
Malattia rara
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Interventi esaminati (p. es. medicamento, terapia, campagna)
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
In der Musiktherapiegruppe bekommen alle Teilnehmenden 6 Sitzungen bei der Musiktherapeutin, 1x/ Woche. Während der Sitzung liegt die teilnehmende Person auf dem Instrument «Behandlungsmonochord» und entspannt zu der live durch die Therapeutin gespielten Musik dieses Instruments (ca. 15 min).
In der Kontrollgruppe bekommen alle Teilnehmenden ebenfalls 6 Sitzungen bei der gleichen Musiktherapeutin, 1x/Woche. Während der Sitzung liegt die teilnehmende Person auf dem Instrument «Behandlungsmonochord» und entspannt, ohne dass Musik gespielt wird (ca. 10-15 min).
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Group 1: Intervenion group: 6 weekly music therapeutic sessions of approximately 45 minutes. Lying 15 minutes on the Monochord, while the music therapists plays the instrument. Introductory ans closing talk of 5-10 minutes with the music therapist.
Group 2: Control group: The same procedures as the intervention group with the following exeption: Relaxing ca. 10-15 minutes while lying on top of the Monochord, without music.
Participants of the active control group will receive vouchers for 6 music-therapy sessions after study end.
Criteri per la partecipazione alla sperimentazione
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
1) Diagnose von schubförmiger oder progredienter Multipler Sklerose
2) Alter > 18 Jahre
3) Gehfähigkeit von mind. 5m mit beidseitiger Hilfe (EDSS ≤ 6.5)
Criteri di esclusione
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
1) aktuell schwere psychiatrische Erkrankung, z.B. schwere Depression
2) aktive MS-Erkrankung mit Schüben (innerhalb der letzten 3 Monate, bzw. >2 im letzten Jahr)
3) Veränderung der Medikation innerhalb der letzten 3 Monate (für MS, Depression, Angstsymptome, Müdigkeit, Schmerz oder geistige Leistungsfähigkeit)
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Gender: All
Maximum age: None
Minimum age: 18 Years
Inclusion criteria: 1)Diagnosis of relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) or progressive (primary or secondary) MS
2)age >18ys
3)EDSS score of = 6.5
4)Written consent for participation in the study.
Background knowledge about music is not a prerequisite for study participation, but no exclusion criterium either.
Exclusion criteria: 1)Reported or medically recorded diagnoses of current serious psychological disorders including acute and severe depression, suicidality and severe anxiety syndromes
2)Other currently life-threatening or severely disabling physical disorders
3)>2 MS relapses within the last year
4)MS relapse within the last 3 months before recruitment
5)MS immune modulating medication altered within the last 3 months
6)Symptomatic MS medication for depression, anxiety, fatigue, pain or cognition altered in the last 3 months
7)Pregnancy (due to many possible pregnancy-related/hormonal changes in our primary and secondary outcomes)
8)Inability to lie supine for 15 min
9)Severely compromised hearing (unless patient has sufficient hearing aid)
10)Severe numbness in both hands, MS related or due to other causes.
Specifically vulnerable patient groups will not be included.
Altre informazioni sulla sperimentazione
Data di registrazione della sperimentazione
15 mar 2021
Inserimento del primo partecipante
5 mag 2021
Stato di reclutamento
Titolo scientifico
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Effects of Receptive Music Therapy with a Monochord in multiple sclerosis (MUTIMS) ? a randomized controlled study - MUTIMS
Tipo di sperimentazione
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Disegno della sperimentazione
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Allocation: Randomized controlled study; Masking: Open (masking not used); Control: No treatment / Standard of care; Assignment: parallel; Study design purpose: treatment
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Punti finali primari
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Change in anxiety as measured by the anxiety subscale of The Hospital anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS-A). Timepoints: Baseline, before the second, forth and sixth music-therapeutic session as well as at follow-up 8 weeks after study end. Hypothesis: Receptive music therapy with the Monochord can reduce anxiety by 2.5 points on the HADS-A.
Punti finali secondari
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Depression: HADS, Subscale Depression (HADS-D);
Fatigue: Modified Impact Scale (MFIS);
Stress perception: Perceived Stress Questionnaire 20 (PSQ20);
Quality of life: Short Form 36 (SF-36);
Cognition: Symbol Digit Modality Test (SDMT);
Thresholds for perception of pain, heat, cold, pressure and mechanical pain: Quantitative sensory testing (QST);
Well-being: Pre-post-questionnaire before und after each session.
All secondary endpoint will be measured at study start (baseline) and study end (study completion).
HADS-D will be assessed additionally before the second, fourth and sixth session and at follow-up.
Contatto per informazioni
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Universit?tsspital Basel
Risultati della sperimentazione
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Sintesi dei risultati
Currently, the analysis is ongoing and the results are being prepared for publication. Preliminary results can be summarized as follows:
We included 57 patients from the MS center in Basel (age: 50.1 ? 12.4 years, sex: 47 women, disease course: 46 relapsing-remitting, median Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) 3.0 (1.0 - 6.5), disease modifying treatment: 53). Patients were randomized 1:1 to two groups: 30 to the MT group (MTG) and 27 to the control group (CG). Patients in the MTG had six weekly sessions of MT, relaxing on top of the ?monochord? instrument and perceiving its music played by the therapist, while patients in the CG had the same number of sessions (lying on the ?monochord?) without music. A blinded rater assessed the endpoints with standardised questionnaires (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS; Modified Fatigue impact scale, MFIS; Short Form 36, SF36) and quantitative sensory testing (QST), examining pain thresholds (thermal-, mechanical- and pressure pain). Assessments took place at study baseline and after the last session. Also, effects on body perception were obtained by an unvalidated questionnaire before and after each session (Questionnaire A and B, Q A&B). Data was analysed using linear mixed models.
The final results are currently pending.
Informazioni sulla disponibilità dei dati dei singoli partecipanti
Institution does not provide accessible structures for data sharing, yet.
Siti di esecuzione della sperimentazione
Siti di esecuzione in Svizzera
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Paesi di esecuzione
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Contatto per maggiori informazioni sulla sperimentazione
Dati della persona di contatto in Svizzera
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
PD Athina Papadopoulou
+41 (0)61 265 2525
Contatto per informazioni generali
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Petersgraben 4
Universit?tsspital Basel Neurologie
+41 61 328 57 04
Contatto per informazioni scientifiche
(Fonte di dati: WHO)
Petersgraben 4
Universit?tsspital Basel Neurologie
+41 61 328 57 04
Autorizzazione da parte della commissione d’etica (Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Nome della commissione d’etica che rilascia l’autorizzazione (nel caso di studi multicentrici solo la commissione direttiva)
Ethikkommission Nordwest- und Zentralschweiz EKNZ
Data di autorizzazione da parte della commissione d’etica
Altri numeri di identificazione delle sperimentazioni
Numero di identificazione della sperimentazione della commissione d’etica (BASEC-ID)
(Fonte di dati: BASEC)
Secondary ID (Fonte di dati: WHO)
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