Health conditions
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Hao-Fountain-Syndrome (USP7-associated)
Interventions (Datenquelle: WHO)
Intervention 1: The following procedures are planned:
MRI of the brain (sedated), lumbar puncture (sedated) (measurement of ghrelin, orexin/hypocretin, 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid, homovanillic acid, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl-ethylene glycol (HMPG))), x-ray of the thoracic spine (ap and lat), measurement of the bone-health-index (x-ray of the left hand), an oral glucose-tolerance test (measurement of ghrelin and glucose in the serum), measurement of the following parameters in the serum: IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor 1), IGFBP3 (insulin growth factor binding protein 3), TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), free T4 (free thyroxine), ghrelin, glucose, LH (luteinizing hormone), FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), AP (alkaline phosphatase), parathyroid hormone, calcium, male subjects of 12 years or older: testosterone.
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Inclusion criteria: 1) Previously identified pathogenic variant in the USP7 gene. 2) The age of the proband must be between 5-21 years.
Exclusion criteria: 1) Dependence on mechanical ventilation. 2) Inability to travel to Heidelberg University Hospital. 3) History of not
tolerating fasting for up to 7 hours. 4) Known risk from exposure to high magnetic fields (due to pacemakers, metallic
implants, internal electrical devices). 5) Claustrophobia. 6) Hypersensitivity to phenobarbital, gamma-hydroxybutyrate,
choralhydrate or any formulation component. 7) A positive urine pregnancy test in females of child-bearing age.
Weitere Informationen zur Studie
Datum der Studienregistrierung
Einschluss der ersten teilnehmenden Person
Wissenschaftlicher Titel
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Clinical Phenotyping of Individuals with USP7-Related Diseases
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Design der Studie
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Allocation: Single arm study;. Masking: Open (masking not used). Control: Uncontrolled/Single arm. Assignment: Single (group). Study design purpose: Othe
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Primäre Endpunkte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
The aim of the study is to carefully characterize phenotypes associated with the pathogenic variant in USP7.
Sekundäre Endpunkte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
There are no secondary outcomes.
Kontakt für Auskünfte
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Foundation for USP7-Related Diseases
Ergebnisse der Studie
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse
noch keine Angaben verfügbar
Link zu den Ergebnissen im Primärregister
noch keine Angaben verfügbar
Angaben zur Verfügbarkeit von individuellen Teilnehmerdaten
Samples of the CSF will be sent to the following biobank:Infinity Biologix LLX (IBX)604 Allison RoadC-242, Piscataway NJ 08854, USAThe samples are only accessible after unanimous approval by the Foundation for USP7-Related Diseases and the CombinedBrain consortium.
(Datenquelle: WHO)
Möglicherweise erscheint hier die Schweiz noch nicht als Durchführungsland, weil sie im WHO-Primärregister noch nicht eingetragen wurde.
Weitere Studienidentifikationsnummern
Secondary ID (Datenquelle: WHO)
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